
Showing posts from May, 2014


You wake up each morning, stretch, breathe finding yourself getting on with life, slaving it to the noble pursuits society sets necessary to sustain your life Who would have known, not even yourself, that it was engraved deeper into your heart each time you push it to the back of your head   They told you to let it go;  to let me go. Impassable You cannot simply will you heart to stop beating, no matter how long you hold your breath for, it won't be forever; You could only stop missing me entirely, if you stopped becoming yourself. Excuses aside,  I prayed incessantly at the back of my head, don't, my heart was like yours.   Days became weeks, weeks became months In all familiarity, paths crossed, eyes met our hearts moved, you realised you didn't totally rid your old self; you didn't stop becoming yourself. All these passed times you had been living in your shell of lies and denial To be alive, isn't noble pursui